At its core, Bruinen Delta is a Sqlite database. After configuring it, you will interact with the database normally.

Loading Delta

Delta is loaded onto devices as either a binary or SDK. If there is a specific SDK you require, reach out to us. We may have it already or can create one for you.


Once Delta is installed, it can be configured with a set of options to customize it to the use-case

replica_typefull partialIf this node will be a full or partial replica of the database
masterbooleanIn general only one node will be configured as the master
storage_limitlimit in mbs, ex: 100The amount of storage to allocate for the changelog
database_filefile_nameThe filename of the database, existing or new sqlite file

Running Delta

You can run Delta by calling within your code. This should be called during startup, and will ensure that the database is configured for use. If it is not, it will configure the database. Call run before attempting to create a connection.

Once a connection is established, you can use Sqlite as normal!