When a device enters or leaves the network, or moves around, it needs to be able to connect to peers in the network.

Peer discovery

Delta uses a peer-to-peer network to communicate between devices. Devices can connect directly to each other, rather than through a central server.

Delta uses a DHT (Distributed Hash Table) to discover other nodes that are online, or in its local network. The DHT is a way to store and retrieve information in a distributed network. It is used to store the IP addresses of other nodes in the network.

When a device joins the network, it sends a message to the DHT to announce its presence. Other devices can then find it by querying the DHT. When a device leaves the network, it sends a message to the DHT to remove its entry. Additionally, if a device fails and is not able to sign off, its neighbors will update the DHT on its behalf.

Firewall and restrictions

Depending on the deployment environment, Bruinen can work with you to ensure that your network stays secure and that your devices can connect to each other. This may involve setting up port forwarding, VPNs, or other network configurations.