We take security seriously at Bruinen. Delta is designed to be secure by default.


Delta encrypts all data at rest and in transit. This means that your data is encrypted when it is stored on the device and when it is sent over the network. We use industry-standard encryption algorithms to ensure that your data is secure.


We allow you to use whatever authentication method you prefer. This could be a username and password, a token, or any other method that you prefer. Once a device is authenticated, it recieves a JWT token, which it can verify without requiring to store a secret.


Nodes can be configured to only replicate partial databases. You can control what data is present, or will ever be transmitted to a node. This allows you to ensure that sensitive data is only stored on devices that need it.

Local-first, secure-first

Delta is designed to be local-first, data is stored locally on the device. Your workflows can run directly on the device, and only transmit results. This can drastically reduce the amount of sensitive data that is transmitted over the network.